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6" x 48" Selkirk Ultra Temp Stainless Chimney Pipe - 206148U

6" x 48" Selkirk Ultra Temp Stainless Chimney Pipe - 206148U
MPN: 206148U
    • 304 Stainless Steel Inner Liner
    • 430 Stainless Steel Outer Wall
    • 1" Solid Pack Mineral Wool Insulation
    • All residential fuels
    • Adjustable lengths for ease of installation
    • Multiple Support Kits available
    • 4" Diameter available for tiny homes and recreational applications
    • Ultra-Temp and Galva-Temp can be combined to make a complete and cost effective solution
    • Smart Choice Warranty on all components
Availability: In Stock: Ships in 1 to 2 business days

  • Details

    6'' x 48'' Selkirk Ultra Temp Stainless Chimney Pipe

    The purpose of chimney pipe is to remove harmful byproducts of the combusted, or burned, fuel from inside your home. If the byproducts are not properly ventilated from inside the home, then you can have a dangerous buildup of carbon monoxide.

    Selkirk Ultra-Temp is a double-wall, all-fuel chimney system for use with wood stoves, fireplaces, furnaces, boilers, ranges, water heaters, or other appliances fueled by wood, oil, coal, or gas, and zero-clearance fireplaces that are factory-built.

    Engineered for safety, Selkirk, also known as MetalBest or MetalBestos, chimneys are packed with one inch of premium fiber insulation, ensuring a 100% fill. This superior insulation maintains higher internal flue temperatures, enhancing draft and efficiency. Low temperatures are maintained on the outer casing, allowing installation as close as 2" from combustible materials. Assembled with the Positive Joint Coupler, the safest and most secure locking system in the industry, Ultra-Temp and Galva-Temp chimney sections twist together with a 1/8 turn. A locking band ensures system integrity and strength for the life of the chimney. Selkirk again sets the industry standard.

    To calculate the installed length of Ultra-Temp chimney pipe, subtract 1 1/4" from each length of chimney pipe.

    Note: This Selkirk pipe can be used in Canada but ONLY FOR GAS AND OIL, unless specifically noted for Canadian Installation otherwise.

    See all 6" Selkirk Chimney Components.

    How it works:

    The chimney system allows your stove or fireplace to exhaust flue gases while a draft creates the draw that pulls fresh combustion air into the stove. A well-balanced system provides an even, hot fire when it has good draft. The draft suction keeps smoke from coming into the room. Insulation in the chimney pipe is important because it helps keep the exhaust hot until it is expelled outside. Heat in the chimney makes draft, which pulls in more combustion air. This creates a hotter fire, delivering more heat to the chimney, resulting in more draft. The size of the flue is important for the system to work efficiently. The appliance manufacturers installation instructions will indicate how to size the flue to match the stoves flue collar. Stovepipe connects to the stove. It is the usually black interior pipe that transitions from the stove to the chimney pipe with an adapter. It is not insulated and cannot penetrate ceilings or walls. Chimney pipe is an insulated pipe that is rated to pass through walls and ceilings. In addition to the chimney pipe, supports to hold the system in place, and shields to protect areas from combusting, are needed for the system. The flashing, storm collar and chimney cap are required to seal the system from moisture penetration.

    What is the difference between chimney pipe and stove pipe?

    Many confuse the terms. Stove pipe is usually painted black galvanized steel and is used in the interior on the home until you transition through a wall or ceiling then class A chimney pipe is used thereon. Stove pipe, black pipe, single wall pipe all refers to the same thing. Chimney pipe, class A pipe, triple-wall pipe, and insulated pipe all refers to class A chimney pipe.

    What is class a chimney pipe?

    Class A chimney pipe has many names, often referred to as double-wall chimney pipe, triple-wall chimney pipe, all-fuel pipe, or insulated chimney pipe. Class A pipe is used to vent high-temperature exhaust released from wood, coal, and oil-burning appliances such as fireplaces, stoves, boilers, and furnaces.

    Not every venting system requires a Class A pipe, but it is absolutely necessary for use with all wood-burning fireplaces and stoves.

    Class A chimney pipe is UL-listed, which permits its use with a range of different vent pipe manufactured by other fabricators and an even wider variety of fireplaces, stoves, inserts, and furnaces. However, it is important to note that you should never mix-and-match different brands of Class A chimney pipe within one chimney system unless specifically allowed by the manufacturer. The different brands of pipe are all distinctly engineered and must be used as a complete system from beginning to end.

    If you are looking to extend or redesign your current chimney system, you need to know the make and model of your existing Class A pipe and purchase the same type, if possible. Unfortunately, if your existing make and model of pipe is a discontinued or obsolete brand, you will likely need to completely reinstall your chimney system.

    For any additional information, remember to check out theResources and Help Article on our page.

    • Dimensions: 6'' ID x 8'' OD x 48'' Long
    • Locking Bands Included
    • Clearances: 2" of Airspace to Combustibles
    • Construction Material: Stainless Steel Inner and Outer Pipe
    • Listings: UL Listed to UL103

    Note: This Selkirk pipe can be used in Canada but ONLY FOR GAS AND OIL.

  • Additional Information
    Clearance Non-Clearance
    Country Of Origin United States
    Season Everyday
    Product Type Chimney Pipe
    Diameter 6 Inch
    Pipe Piece Chimney Pipe
    Pipe Wall Double Wall
    Type Class A Pipe
    Size 48in
    Additional Information

    Adobe PDF File Icon Installation Instructions

    HR-mail-only true
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    Brand Selkirk

6'' x 48'' Selkirk Ultra Temp Stainless Chimney Pipe

The purpose of chimney pipe is to remove harmful byproducts of the combusted, or burned, fuel from inside your home. If the byproducts are not properly ventilated from inside the home, then you can have a dangerous buildup of carbon monoxide.

Selkirk Ultra-Temp is a double-wall, all-fuel chimney system for use with wood stoves, fireplaces, furnaces, boilers, ranges, water heaters, or other appliances fueled by wood, oil, coal, or gas, and zero-clearance fireplaces that are factory-built.

Engineered for safety, Selkirk, also known as MetalBest or MetalBestos, chimneys are packed with one inch of premium fiber insulation, ensuring a 100% fill. This superior insulation maintains higher internal flue temperatures, enhancing draft and efficiency. Low temperatures are maintained on the outer casing, allowing installation as close as 2" from combustible materials. Assembled with the Positive Joint Coupler, the safest and most secure locking system in the industry, Ultra-Temp and Galva-Temp chimney sections twist together with a 1/8 turn. A locking band ensures system integrity and strength for the life of the chimney. Selkirk again sets the industry standard.

To calculate the installed length of Ultra-Temp chimney pipe, subtract 1 1/4" from each length of chimney pipe.

Note: This Selkirk pipe can be used in Canada but ONLY FOR GAS AND OIL, unless specifically noted for Canadian Installation otherwise.

See all 6" Selkirk Chimney Components.

How it works:

The chimney system allows your stove or fireplace to exhaust flue gases while a draft creates the draw that pulls fresh combustion air into the stove. A well-balanced system provides an even, hot fire when it has good draft. The draft suction keeps smoke from coming into the room. Insulation in the chimney pipe is important because it helps keep the exhaust hot until it is expelled outside. Heat in the chimney makes draft, which pulls in more combustion air. This creates a hotter fire, delivering more heat to the chimney, resulting in more draft. The size of the flue is important for the system to work efficiently. The appliance manufacturers installation instructions will indicate how to size the flue to match the stoves flue collar. Stovepipe connects to the stove. It is the usually black interior pipe that transitions from the stove to the chimney pipe with an adapter. It is not insulated and cannot penetrate ceilings or walls. Chimney pipe is an insulated pipe that is rated to pass through walls and ceilings. In addition to the chimney pipe, supports to hold the system in place, and shields to protect areas from combusting, are needed for the system. The flashing, storm collar and chimney cap are required to seal the system from moisture penetration.

What is the difference between chimney pipe and stove pipe?

Many confuse the terms. Stove pipe is usually painted black galvanized steel and is used in the interior on the home until you transition through a wall or ceiling then class A chimney pipe is used thereon. Stove pipe, black pipe, single wall pipe all refers to the same thing. Chimney pipe, class A pipe, triple-wall pipe, and insulated pipe all refers to class A chimney pipe.

What is class a chimney pipe?

Class A chimney pipe has many names, often referred to as double-wall chimney pipe, triple-wall chimney pipe, all-fuel pipe, or insulated chimney pipe. Class A pipe is used to vent high-temperature exhaust released from wood, coal, and oil-burning appliances such as fireplaces, stoves, boilers, and furnaces.

Not every venting system requires a Class A pipe, but it is absolutely necessary for use with all wood-burning fireplaces and stoves.

Class A chimney pipe is UL-listed, which permits its use with a range of different vent pipe manufactured by other fabricators and an even wider variety of fireplaces, stoves, inserts, and furnaces. However, it is important to note that you should never mix-and-match different brands of Class A chimney pipe within one chimney system unless specifically allowed by the manufacturer. The different brands of pipe are all distinctly engineered and must be used as a complete system from beginning to end.

If you are looking to extend or redesign your current chimney system, you need to know the make and model of your existing Class A pipe and purchase the same type, if possible. Unfortunately, if your existing make and model of pipe is a discontinued or obsolete brand, you will likely need to completely reinstall your chimney system.

For any additional information, remember to check out theResources and Help Article on our page.

  • Dimensions: 6'' ID x 8'' OD x 48'' Long
  • Locking Bands Included
  • Clearances: 2" of Airspace to Combustibles
  • Construction Material: Stainless Steel Inner and Outer Pipe
  • Listings: UL Listed to UL103

Note: This Selkirk pipe can be used in Canada but ONLY FOR GAS AND OIL.

Clearance Non-Clearance
Country Of Origin United States
Season Everyday
Product Type Chimney Pipe
Diameter 6 Inch
Pipe Piece Chimney Pipe
Pipe Wall Double Wall
Type Class A Pipe
Size 48in
Additional Information

Adobe PDF File Icon Installation Instructions

HR-mail-only true
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Brand Selkirk