Few things grab attention like street banners and advertising flags do, so at United States Flag Store, we carry everything you need to stir up a buzz about your business, product or service. You'll find aluminum flagpole brackets that are ideal for use on streetlights and utility poles, stainless steel mounting straps in a variety of sizes, and ground spikes for blade and teardrop poles. We also carry cross bases with water bags for weight, blade and teardrop poles in a number of sizes and deluxe single-banner arm mounting kits.

Advertising Flagpoles
Flags aren't just about expressing national or state pride. They're also terrific advertising assets when displayed in the right location. Help drive more foot traffic into your business with a unique outdoor flag. Not only can The United States Flag Store help you custom design just the right advertising flag for your business, we can easily help you source all the components you need to proudly fly your own small business flag. After all, isn't that entrepreneurial spirit part of what makes America so great? Shop The United States Flag Store for accessories like ground spikes and bases, as well as teardrop poles for banners, which will enable that custom advertising flag to wave proudly in front of your storefront for years to come.